Saturday, June 11, 2011

Preparedness Challenge #12

This week on the preparedness challenge I reread some chapters on vegetable gardening in my area of Florida. I am not getting this gardening thing down and have some really weird things happening with some of my veggies. I don't know what is going on but I will have a garden update on Monday and you can judge for yourself.

My mom gave me a book that has been in her household since at least 1958. It was my grandfathers, her father, and has his name written (by him) on the inside front cover. I love having something my grandfather held and wrote in. The book is called FOLK MEDICINE A Vermont Doctor's Guide to Good Health, by D.C. Jarvis. It. Is. Wonderful. Check it out at your library, buy it at Amazon, do what you have to do, but get it. It is simple common sense for everything.

Jarvis writes about the simple things; honey, apple cider vinegar and exercise. He states we can all learn from most animal behaviors and instincts. They know which herbs will heal their bodies. They don’t have doctors shoving pills down their throats. Here is a favorite excerpt of this book; “The body needs assistance to meet the complications, stresses and strains of modern civilization. Mercifully during childhood we are more or less protected by instincts. But when we leave the world of childhood, we are all too prone to consider these instincts old-fashioned. Happily it is never too late to learn them, if we are willing to observe the way Nature’s laws are followed by animals and by little children”. Or this one. “Honey is not only an excellent food, it is a food supplement too. It prevents fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract and is quickly absorbed”.

Every morning, mom & I drink 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar mixed with 1 tsp of honey in a glass of warm water. It adds a natural acid back in to your diet and the benefits are awesome. It makes you feel better, is a natural blood cleanser, clears up morning sickness (if applicable, lol) it helps even out the alkalinity in your system if you tend to eat too much protein. I love this book and refer back to it all the time.

It may not have a whole lot to do with modern day preparedness, but it is total common sense read when it comes to your health and simply taking care of yourself.

I also completed my 72 hour bags! They are ready to go if we need it. Just in time for hurricane season, although I have great confidence we will not need them. J

Have a nice week!

1 comment:

  1. You were busy this week! I'm going to look for the book at the library. Sounds like a good one!



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